What's With The Name.Our philosophy of creating an employee owned firm works well with having a nondescript name, rather than a name bearing the personal names or initials of the Principals. The company name “Snubbs” was taken from an old email address that company founder, Tommy Ruiz had used during college. Besides being nondescript, the name Snubbs is unique and recognizable. Additionally, the domain www.Snubbs.com was available at the time, so Snubbs Consulting was born. Through the years some thought has been given to changing the name, but each time it has been decided to stick with the weird, obscure, (use your own adjective) name.
Established in 2014Edit this text and tell your site visitors who you are. To edit, simply click directly on the text and add your own words. Use this text to go into more detail about your company. Make sure to include information about how your company came to be.
Our GoalEdit this text and tell your site visitors who you are. To edit, simply click directly on the text and add your own words. Use this text to go into more detail about your company. Make sure to include information about how your company came to be.
Our Team
Tommy Ruiz, PE, CFM, LEED AP
Fernando V. Gomez, PE
Erik E. Salgado, PE
We're Here for You 24/7Edit this text and tell your site visitors who you are. To edit, simply click directly on the text and add your own words. Use this text to go into more detail about your company. Make sure to include information about how your company came to be.
Make sure to include information about how your company came to be. A strong “About” page helps establish credibility and professionalism and lets the visitor know more about you. |